Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

When should I call the police?
  • Police can be called and should be called for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons
    police are contacted is to report a motor vehicle crash, a crime that occurred or to report suspicious.
    activity. We would encourage citizens to contact us any time they feel unsafe, see something suspicious,
    observe a crime in progress, etc. In today’s world, the adage “If you see something, say something” has
    never been more important.
What should I say when I reach an operator? What is the protocol?
  • When you contact 911, here in York County, you will be asked for your address, township/city/borough,
    name and phone number. You will then be asked to tell the dispatcher what happened. While often
    times during an emergency situation people want to immediately say what is happening, the quickest
    way to get the police, fire department and/or EMS to the scene is for the 911 dispatcher to know your
    location as soon as possible. The best advice is to listen to what the dispatcher is asking you and
    respond accordingly.
How do I respond in a traffic stop when pulled over by a police officer?
  • If you are pulled over by the police, there are several actions you can take to make the stop safe for you
    and the officer. Place your hands on the steering wheel prior to the officer approaching so they can see
    your hands. If it is dark outside, activate all of the interior lighting of the vehicle so the officer can see
    inside. Please do open your glove box or center console to grab your registration and insurance cards
    until the officer asks you to do so, as they do not know what you may be reaching for otherwise. Listen
    to the officer and any instructions, they give you. If you receive a citation or “ticket”, please do not argue
    with the officer. Every citizen has the right to challenge any charge through the court process.
What if my neighbor’s house is on fire, who do I call?
  • Call 911 immediately. When you call 911, the initial dispatcher you receive will determine what type of
    emergency services are needed and will transfer you to that dispatcher.
Who do I call if I see a vehicle accident?
  • Call 911 immediately. When you call 911, the initial dispatcher you receive will determine what type of
    emergency services are needed and will transfer you to that dispatcher.
Must I stay on the line until help arrives?
  • This is all fact/incident specific. The best advice is to listen to the 911 dispatcher. Sometimes they may
    need you to stay on the line and/or stay on scene to speak with emergency services when they arrive.
Should I try to help any victims in the accident before police or ambulance arrive?
  • You may try to help victims in an accident but that would be based on your comfort level, training and
When Should I not call the Police or Fire Responders?
  • You should not call the police or fire responders if you know there is no emergency or need for their


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